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"Let’s all go fishing." - Chester, President of SMU Recreational Fishing Club
SMURF After Their Fishing Session

From friendly chatter to frying your fish in batter, join SMURF to experience the peace and thrill of fishing. Enjoy the serenity of playing the waiting game, and the sudden excitement of reeling in your first catch.

Don’t know a thing about fishing? Fret not as there are always activities for everyone at

SMURF. They offer activities catering to different skill levels such as prawning (easy), jetty fishing (normal) and boat fishing (hard). They also host workshops that prepare you

beforehand, offering progressive coaching and lessons for all to master the art of fishing.

Therefore, use this opportunity to develop soft skills such as patience as well as technical skills. You can also take a break from the hustle and bustle of the school semester and enjoy some time in nature, forging unbreakable bonds with fellow students through the many activities offered by SMURF. As an event-based club, most of their activities will be held on holidays or on weekends, making it more accessible for everyone to attend.


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